COVID-19: Who Is Protecting South Florida Retirement Communities?
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel / By: Andrew Borya As the new coronavirus spreads through South Florida, people over 65 are among the most at-risk populations,
Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel / By: Andrew Borya As the new coronavirus spreads through South Florida, people over 65 are among the most at-risk populations,
Bob Kelley and our client, Lori Alhadeff (mother of Alyssa Alhadeff) sat down with CBS 4 to discuss the lawsuits filed against the FBI over
James “Jim” McHugh started smoking when he was a teenager in the early sixties. He smoked every single day since, many times up to two
The Sun-Sentinel recently published a story addressing the frequency with which e-scooter injuries land riders in the emergency room, including one of our clients, Ashanti
Our firm recently filed a lawsuit against the wife of a retired hockey player on behalf of Jessica Provost, who was hit by a car
Kelley | Uustal attorneys Todd Falzone and Karina Rodrigues secured a $2 million settlement for the widow of a man who died after a radiologist
K|U attorneys Michael Hersh and Kimberly Wald discuss the effects of “smart” technology and social media. While it has always influenced our profession, technological progress
Kelley | Uustal Founding Partner Bob Kelley adds Best Selling Author to his bio as his book: The Memorandum – A True Story of Justice Forged from Fire (Sutton
The popularity of e-bikes and scooters has surged in South Florida, becoming a preferred mode of transportation for many. However, the convenience of these “micro-mobility”
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