June 18, 2019

eScooter Fatality, April 11, 2019

Late in the evening of Thursday, April 11th, a group of friends were out in Fort Lauderdale and decided to make their way to their next destination by way of eScooters. After initiating their individual eScooters by way of the proprietary Smartphone apps, one of these young men was tragically hit and killed by a vehicle traveling north in the 500 block of Federal Highway. These eScooters are inherently dangerous and have been involved in countless injuries and multiple fatalities in Fort Lauderdale, since they descended upon our City at the beginning of November 2018.

The injury attorneys at Kelley/Uustal have been investigating eScooter accidents and representing individuals who have been catastrophically injured by, and families of those who have been killed while riding these eScooters. If you witnessed or have information related to the fatal eScooter motor vehicle accident on Federal Highway in the late hours of Thursday, April 11th, please call Kelley/Uustal’s local personal injury attorneys at 954-522-6601 / 954-JUSTICE.

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