Kelley Uustal Trial Attorney
April 18, 2014

Even Low-Impact Collisions Can Cause Serious Injuries

Rear-end accidents are the most common car accidents in the country, and according to the National Safety Council, over 2.5 million rear-end accidents occur every year. These accidents range from minor fender benders to horrific fatal car accidents and account for approximately 29% of all crashes. The vast majority of these accidents stem from a variety of distracted driving behaviors, such as talking on the cellphone, texting while driving, and eating while driving. In addition, poor road conditions, defective auto parts, and dangerous weather can all increase the likelihood of a rear-end collision.

In Florida, rear end accidents most commonly occur at intersections, where drivers may not be aware of stopping vehicles or changing lights. Yet many rear-end collisions also occur on the freeway when stopped traffic or slow moving traffic may not be expected. This increases during times of heavy rain, when both visibility and traction are reduced.

Common Rear End Accident Injuries

Rear end collisions can be more traumatic than many people believe. Even at low speeds, rear end accident victims can sustain a variety of injuries, including:

  • Whiplash
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Soft tissue back injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Facial lacerations
  • Hip injuries
  • Fractures

Unfortunately, rear-end accident victims in Florida often meet resistance from insurance companies when they file a claim. Insurance companies may discount low-impact accidents—especially rear-end accidents—and many are skeptical of whiplash-like symptoms.

Insurance companies may also insist that you were partly to blame for the car accident because you stopped short or slammed on your brakes. Sometimes these are tactics used by the insurance company to reduce their liability and your compensation. When this occurs, you need an experienced Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney on your side to fight for your rights to receive fair compensation.

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