Kelley Uustal Trial Attorney
May 15, 2014

Examining the True Cost of a Serious Head Injury

Head injuries are some of the most horrific and devastating injuries accident victims can endure. The long-term ramifications of head injuries are not always apparent in the days and even weeks following an accident. Yet traumatic brain injuries can prevent accident victims from working, enjoying their lifestyle, and even performing their basic daily care.

It is estimated that every year 1.7 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury of some kind. This can occur as a concussion or a more serious closed head injury. The costs associated with more severe head injuries have cost victims in the United States up to $76.5 billion a year.

In the weeks following a severe head injury, accident victims and their families can expect to pay up to $162,000 for the first few weeks of hospitalization. Afterward, two weeks of in-patient rehabilitation will cost roughly $60,000. Yet the costs don’t end there. Head injuries can take a long time to heal, and some of the damage may be permanent. Families caring for their injured loved ones may need to take them to outpatient therapy daily and even hire in-home nursing staff to tend to their basic needs.

The Brain Injury Association of America estimates that traumatic brain injury victims will spend up to $1.8 million throughout their lives on medical care, rehabilitation, and disability. This doesn’t include lost wages or the missed time from work that loved ones must endure while they care for you.

These costs—both direct and indirect must be taken into consideration before agreeing to any settlement with the insurance company. Insurance companies notoriously try to lowball head injury victims. They realized that head injury costs could quickly escalate; therefore, it is in their best interest to reach a settlement quickly and for as little money as possible.

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