August 14, 2015

Kelley | Uustal Files Suit Against Aetna for Denying ‘Only Validated Treatment’ for Autism

According to a federal class action lawsuit filed by Kelley/Uustal on behalf of Anna M. Sanzone-Ortiz, the mother of an autistic child, healthcare company Aetna, Inc. denied her son treatment for his autism.

Applied Behavioral Analysis is, according to the suit, “the only validated treatment for people with autism.” Yet, Aetna capped weekly treatment for Sanzone-Ortiz’ son at 20 hours per week, even though treatment providers recommended no less than 26.

On behalf of Sanzone-Ortiz, Kelley/Uustal is bringing a lawsuit against Aetna for the son’s denied treatment, claiming the medical provider violated both California and Federal laws.

Kelley/Uustal is pursuing class certification and an injunction. Although the lawsuit doesn’t estimate the size of the action, Aetna provides medical insurance coverage for more than 23 million people.

Jordan Lewis of Kelley/Uustal represents Sanzone-Ortiz. To read more about this case, click here.

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