November 20, 2018

Kelley | Uustal Lawyers Reach $27M Deal In Exploding Pressure Cooker Suit

A $27 Million dollar settlement has been reached after Fort Lauderdale product liability attorneys prove a pressure cooker caused a 3-year-old’s devastating burns. It’s been three years since the Gonzales family filed a claim against pressure cooker maker, Lifetime Brands. The company claimed the accident was caused by the family, but lawyers were able to reach a settlement. The young girl who is 5 years-old now suffered second and third-degree burns after the pressure cooker malfunctioned and sprayed hot liquid. Doctors had to amputate her leg, hand, and fingers. The Gonzales family was represented by John Uustal, Michael Hersh, and Catherine Darlson. You can read all the details behind the lawsuit below, originally published by Law360.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”$26M Deal Reached In Exploding Pressure Cooker Suit”]

Original article on Law360:

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