May 1, 2015

Save Our Juries: Protecting the Civil Jury System

The right to a trial by a jury of our peers is one of the hallmarks of the American judicial system. Unfortunately, this fundamental constitutional protection is being threatened by social, political, and economic forces that aim to pass limitations and restrictions. One initiative – Save Our Juries – is building momentum to help Americans protect and preserve the civil jury system.

Save Our Juries is a national public awareness campaign that was founded by some of the nation’s top plaintiff and defense civil attorneys in 1958. Sponsored by the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA), of which our firm has been a long time member and supporter, Save Our Juries is committed to educating and mobilizing the American public, and to helping them protect their Seventh Amendment right – which allows us to take civil disputes to a jury of our peers.

Efforts such as tort reform have placed the civil jury system in danger. Should these and other similar reform efforts continue, it would place individuals and families at risk. For example, in the event that you or a loved one are injured by another’s negligence, you may lose the right to have a jury decide a fair resolution for you. If you were sued, you may lose the right to explain your side of the story to your peers.

Kelley/Uustal is proud to support Save Our Juries, and we encourage everyone to learn more about their rights and how they can get involved.
Visit to learn more.

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