June 18, 2012

Suing the Local Government for Dangerous Road Conditions

Motor vehicle accidents are never simple. There are usually mitigating circumstances and a variety of factors to consider. One of those factors is the quality and condition of the road and areas surrounding the road.

Just as Florida drivers have a responsibility to drive carefully and obey all traffic laws, Florida cities and counties have a responsibility to adequately maintain those roadways and provide a safe and secure area for drivers. When a dangerous road condition is present, horrific car accidents can occur and may not be the fault of the driver themselves.

Unfortunately, dangerous road conditions are not usually listed on the police report and are often difficult to determine; therefore, car accident victims need an experienced personal injury lawyer on their side. At Kelley/Uustal, our personal injury attorneys will be able to analyze all aspects of your crash to determine who is really at fault for your accident and for any injuries that have occurred.

Take for example one of our recent cases:

A stop sign was partially obstructed by an overgrown and improperly maintained tree on the corner of the Defendant’s property. As a result, our client did not see the stop sign and failed to stop, leading to a severe car accident. Attorney Eric S. Rosen filed suit against the property owner, the company who was hired to maintain the trees, the City, and the County for failing to keep the intersection safe. Their failure to properly maintain the foliage directly obstructed the stop sign, which in turn directly caused the Florida automobile accident. The case settled out of court for a confidential amount of money.

If you or someone you love is injured in a car accident, it is important to speak with a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney immediately. Your lawyer will review all angles of your case to help determine who is to blame for your accident and for your injuries. Obstructed stop signs, improperly graded curves, unmarked construction zones, potholes, and malfunctioning traffic lights are just a few of the dangerous road conditions that could have caused your accident.

It is important that you act quickly, however, since the statute of limitations for filing a claim against a government entity is much shorter. In most cases, you only have between 30 and 180 days to file a claim against a city, county, or government entity in the State of Florida.

At Kelley/Uustal, our Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys have successfully handled a number of cases involving dangerous roadways. To schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers, call us today at (954) 522-6601.

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