December 11, 2018

Unprecedented Settlement for Defective Seatbelt

A man was ejected from his vehicle in an automobile collision. When he hit the ground he broke his neck, causing permanent paralysis. Because he was ejected from the vehicle, the police reported that he was unrestrained and that he had not been wearing his seatbelt. He insisted that he had been wearing his seatbelt and brought suit against the automobile manufacturer.

Attorney John Uustal conducted his own investigation and discovered evidence and witnesses that the police had missed. He hired world-class scientists to reconstruct the accident, test the seatbelt and analyze the evidence. He discovered a defect in the design of the seatbelt which allowed it to unlatch when struck in a certain way during a collision. He proved that the vehicle was struck in that way during the collision. He discovered evidence and witnesses that confirmed that the belt was hanging out the window immediately after the collision, which would have been impossible if the belt had not been worn. The seatbelt had failed and that was why the man was unrestrained in the accident.

The case settled for an unprecedented amount before trial.

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