December 6, 2018

Unsafe Scooters Strike Again: Man Injured in Nashville

According to police reports, a man who was riding on a scooter was hit by a car in downtown Nashville last Monday. The accident’s location was the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Commerce Street.

A spokesperson for the local police said the car, a BMW, was going west on Commerce when the Bird scooter allegedly failed to stop at a red light as it was trying to cross Commerce. In spite of the red light and the “Don’t Walk” sign, the scooter rode on, and the BMW struck him.

26-year-old Edward D. Weekes, who was on the scooter, suffered several injuries, though none critical, and he was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. According to some sources, what actually happened was that Weekes lost control of the scooter.

Also recently, a man and a woman who were on their honeymoon lost their lives while riding scooters on a Caribbean island. A man in Dallas incurred medical bills of over one million dollars related to the injuries he suffered on a rental scooter.

On December 4th, Madrid issued a ban on all e-scooter rental services.

John Uustal is a Fort Lauderdale trial lawyer with a national law practice focused on serious injuries resulting from dangerous and poorly designed products. His upcoming book Corporate Serial Killers focuses on companies that choose profits over safety.

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