Kelley | Uustal Practice Area: Bicycle Accident Cases

Bicycle injuries can vary widely based on the nature of the accident, ranging from broken bones to catastrophic injuries with lifelong consequences. To ensure you get proper justice, you will need a specialized bicycle accident lawyer who can navigate complex bicycle laws. Since Fort Lauderdale consistently reports higher-than-average pedestrian and bicycle fatality rates, our firm specializes in seeking justice for those harmed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone who has suffered an injury on a bicycle as a result of another party’s negligence can file a claim.

Under Florida’s comparative negligence law (Fla. Stat. §768.81), each person who is found to be at fault is assigned a percentage. This means you can still collect financial compensation for the percentage of fault attributed to the other person.

Under Fla. Stat. §95.11, injured parties must file personal injury lawsuits within four years of the date of the injury. Wrongful death lawsuits involving pedestrian injuries must be filed within two years. If the accident involves a state, county, or government agency, the statute of limitations can be shorter than four years. All statutes are subject to change, and exceptions may exist depending on your specific case. In addition, it takes time to investigate and then file a lawsuit. Evidence starts to disappear within hours of the crash (tire marks, debris, video surveillance). It is important to get representation quickly. 

Bicycle injury claims can range from a few months to much longer. It depends on many factors. This is partially in your control. 

Yes. It is best to make sure the attorney you retain has experience in the kind of case you have.

We handle cyclist injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means our clients do not pay anything until and unless they collect financial compensation.

Firm News About Bicycle Accidents

Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving is a problem that has reached epidemic levels in the United States. In today’s interconnected, on-the-go world, it is no surprise that behind-the-wheel

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Fatal accident

Wrongful death is often the result of a catastrophic injury from a car crash. You may be entitled to a wrongful death settlement if a negligent driver is found at fault.

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