August 5, 2013

Know How to Recognize Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Sadly, there are numerous nursing homes throughout the state of Florida that are not up to state standards. These nursing homes may have already received citations in the past for unsanitary living conditions, physical or sexual abuse, and drug errors. In addition, low-quality nursing homes do not usually perform extensive background checks on employees and other personnel. The results of this negligence can be devastating—and can adversely affect your loved one and jeopardize their health.

When you place your loved one in a nursing home, you trust that they will be taken care of and looked after in a safe and loving environment. Nursing home residents have the right to receive nutritious meals, exercise, compassion, health care, and medication in a peaceful environment. Sadly, caregivers and other nursing home personnel can take advantage of the sick and the elderly—especially ones that are dependent—resulting in nursing home abuse.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Abuse and neglect can take many forms in a nursing home and can include:

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect
  • Emotional abuse
  • Verbal abuse
  • Dehydration or malnourishment
  • Improper medical care
  • Over and under-medicating
  • Improper use of restraints
  • And more

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Family members are right to be concerned when they suspect that their loved one is being abused or neglected. Unfortunately, many family members live in disbelief that this is really happening. They may believe the nursing home or caregiver’s side of the story or they may discredit their own loved one’s fears. If you notice any of the following signs of abuse or neglect, then it is critical that you speak with one of our nursing home abuse lawyers immediately.

  • Bedsores
  • Malnourishment
  • Dehydration
  • Signs of restraint use
  • Signs or stories of sexual abuse
  • Poor hygiene
  • Sacral ulcers
  • Sepsis
  • Wounds or burns
  • Falls

Your Family Comes First at Kelley/Uustal

The lawyers at Kelley/Uustal have extensive experience representing concerned family members and individuals who are concerned that their loved ones are experiencing abuse in a nursing home. We understand how emotional and traumatic this time can be. If you believe that your loved one has been abused by trusted caregivers, it is natural to feel angry, devastated, and concerned.

At Kelley/Uustal, our personal injury lawyers will give you personalized attention—the moment you step through our doors. We know that your only desire is to protect your family. As such, we fight aggressively to ensure that the guilty parties responsible for this abuse are held accountable for their actions and for any injuries they have inflicted.

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Have a catastrophic injury case? Choose the law firm voted Best Personal Injury Firm in the Fort Lauderdale and Miami area. Fill out the form below and a Kelley | Uustal representative will be in touch promptly.